Film Opening Research #1- 6 Underground

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 

    There are two different titles that are displayed during the opening sequences to the film. The first title is shown before the opening sequence, and it reads "Netflix and Skydance present". This first title introduces the audience to the major companies that worked on the film being shown. The second and final opening sequence that is displayed during the opening sequence to the film is at the end of the opening, which reads "6 Underground" in all capital letters. This is the title of the film, and the ending of the opening sequence. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

    One of the major images that are prioritized in the opening sequence is an old, run down plane that has clearly not been used in a long time, as it is broken and has cobwebs and such. Another major image that seems to be prioritized is a group of documents shown on screen that is being looked through and organized. Additionally, another major image shown is that of the main character flying a small aircraft around in the sky. Lastly, the camera focuses on the image of a ghost shown on the side of the plane.

What connotations do the images carry? 

    The different images carry important connotations that the audience can catch onto while watching the opening sequence. For example, the run down plane shown a more negative connotation, as the broken exterior, cobwebs, clanging machinery, and empty interior give off a very lonely and abandoned vibe to the scene. The documents shown carry a much deeper connotation, as the group of documents can make the reader more interested in the main character's life. The documents consist of childhood photos dealing with going to an orphanage, as well as college applications and such. This gives the audience more information about the main character, but still leaving room for interpretation. While these photos and papers are being shown, the main character talks about his constant feeling of loneliness, appealing to the audience's emotions. Another set of documents that are shown relate to the CIA and "Operation: Black Light", which encompasses a more secretive and sketchy ambiance. Lastly, the scene showing the main character flying around a small aircraft relates to the feeling of freedom that the main character begins discussing. The image of the ghost shown on the side of the plane creates a positive connotation, as the ghost symbolizes individuals "going ghost" in order to finally obtain freedom. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 

    The genre of this film is action and adventure, and I believe that the genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset multiple times. Dialogue is used throughout the entire opening to reinforce the idea of action and adventure that the film focuses on. Throughout the beginning of the opening sequence, the setting is focused on the run down plane as mentioned before. There is darker lighting as well as slower camera movements, creating a more eerie and lonely atmosphere. Here, the dialogue is more focused on mentioning loneliness and feeling trapped. However, there is then a switch towards a more action packed scene, accompanied by brighter colors, fast-paced camera movement, and music. The dialogue at this point begins to mention freedom, and the symbolic use of the misc en scene and technical use of the camera and lighting come together to show the action and adventure elements through a contrast from beginning to end. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

    I believe that the directors used many different strategies to ensure the film appeals to its target audience. 6 Underground was able to appeal to its target audience as much as it did thanks to the advertisements and description. The advertisements and posters are a huge part of selling a film to people, and the cover of this film definently shows that it will be an action packed film. You can see bright colors accompanied by a very busy background, including explosions, a bright car, and a group of characters each doing something different. The description of the movie on Netflix also ensures that the genre is heavily shown and obvious, so the people that watch the film will be interested. 

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. 
    Lots of different camera and film elements are used effectively throughout the opening sequence of the film. For example, there are multiple times in which the camera zooms in on a specific thing being shown, which effectively shows its importance to the audience. A lot of these elements tend to have heavy symbolism as well. Because it is an action and adventure film, a lot of specific transitions and editing techniques can be seen, such as jump cuts, cutting on action, and especially smash cuts. These are also accompanied by the dynamic film editing style. 


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