Our Final Idea For Our Project
I'm excited to be able to say that my group and I have finally got an idea for our project that we are proud of. This is practically a redo of the last blog post I created... because, well, we ended up not wanting to do the whole "apocalyptical" scene, mainly because at the end of the day, we are just four teenagers that don't have any past experience with film. We can't EXACTLY make an award-winning film with CGI... sadly. BUT, I honestly kinda like our new idea more; the entire group seems more excited about it in general, and we are actually able to create different ideas and concepts for it.
So, what is the idea? Well, we decided that we were going to do a film revolving around a crime scene investigation, more specifically a murder. It would revolve around a group of teenagers that get caught up in the crime and get questioned one by one, each character having an entirely different persona and plea. I honestly think it's such a good idea, because its a concept in which we can easily implement the connection between emotions and how film brings out those emotions in a scene. Our group members have seen different types of crime questioning scenes before, both in film and in video games, and we feel that it is something that can emphasize the connection between an entertaining film opening, and the elements that make it entertaining. We are already thinking of more specific details about the project, like what the main characters will be like, how the scenes will be set, where we are planning to film, and more. But, that's for a later blog. The overall concept is the idea that a group of teenagers are brought into a police station for their mugshot photos, where they are each questioned revolving the murder of a specific person. Each suspect will have something different to bring to the table, and they will each have dialogue in which they explain their side of the story.
I'm mostly excited to continue coming up with the "smaller" details of the concept. For example, the characters. Obviously the characters are going to be a huge part of our idea, so it is important that we create characters that are unique and different from one another. Smaller detail for characters can include the clothing, persona, or attitude of each. Even though it may not seem important, it becomes significant when you think of how the small details come together in a film. I'm also really excited to create the overall misc en scene, things like lighting, setting, what editing style we will use, etc. Misc en scene is huge in the world of film, as it literally creates the entire atmosphere and feeling of the film. If our film does not create the right atmosphere to match our idea, it won't work, so it's important.
One thing that I am worried about is the editing aspect of the project. Editing is going to be a large component with our idea, so it is important that we think about how everything will be put together. With bad editing, the film will not appear as we envisioned, so it is something we will have to work on over time.
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