Main Character Analysis
Something that may differentiate our groups film opening from others is that rather than having one main character, we have FOUR. How fun right? But seriously, because since our film opening is based on a murder mystery, it would make sense that we obviously have more than one suspect in order to make an interesting film opening. So, our group created four very unique main characters that each have their own personalities and character traits that differ from one another and give themselves depth in the sake of the plot.
Our characters are Jason Smith (The Jock), Felicity Rox (The Rich/Preppy Girl), Simon Peters (The Nerd), and Myah Flores (The Artsy Girl), and they all attend a private school, all being admitted because of different reasons.
Jason Smith (The Jock)
Jason is "the jock" of the group, looking and having the physical characteristics that a typical jock would. He was admitted to the school because of his skill in sports. Also considering that he is played by Jacob, Jason Smith is tall, and he has light eyes with long brown hair. His outfit features a red letterman jacket with jeans, wearing a polo shirt under his jacket. His prop would be a class ring, in which that and his outfit would show his overall involvement/pride in what he does and accomplishes. As talked about in my "Costuming" assignment, his character is featuring the color red, which has phycological balance behind it that matches his personality. He also talks with more slang than the average person, because of who he typically hangs around In terms of his personality, he is seen as a "picture perfect guy", overall being known by everyone due to his popularity and involvement in sports. However, he is slowly falling apart, but nobody knows because he is so good at hiding it behind his "picture perfect" persona. His grades are beginning to slip, his girlfriend had recently broken up, and he was not getting football scholarships to any of the schools he wanted. Because his main motivation is doing well in school and accomplishing his dreams in sports, seeing that it is falling apart in front of his eyes is breaking him inside. This is then connected into why he is known as a "hot head", because he contains all of his anger and sadness inside of him, until eventually, whether on purpose or not, it explodes.
Felicity Rox (The Rich/Preppy Girl)
Felicity Rox, played by none other than myself, is quite literally the definition of someone that I probably would not be very close with at school. This is ironic since IM the one acting as her, but quite frankly that is besides the point. She was admitted to the school because she was rich enough to buy her way in, ironic I know. She is a relatively short girl, with short straight black hair and always an up-kept attire. She never looks messy, both because she doesn't like to, and she has the money to be able to stay looking clean and nice at all times. She wears a purple sweater vest, a black skirt, leggings, and ballet flats, with a headband to pull back her straight hair. Her prop would be a small mirror that she is "addicted" to, constantly checking her appearance at any moment she has. Even though everyone sees her life as LITERALLY perfect and cannot comprehend Felicity having any life issues. But, something that nobody really knows is that Felicity does not know her father, besides potentially understanding that she is the Mayor, which is also where her wealth originates. This slightly affects her mental state, but not as much to affect her day-to-day experiences by much. Felicity is known for being stuck up, mainly because she has everything she could want, making others envy her. She likes to act like a "dumb blonde" if you will, lol. Only to further this lovely stereotype that she has embodied so far, she has a Valley girl accent. (I'm excited to see how my acting skills go with this.) However, she's actually really smart and observant, a trait that she receives from her mother, whom she spent most of her childhood with. This would be important to the plot of the film opening, because an observant person would have potentially seen something relating to the crime. The question is, will she act dumb like she knows nothing, or speak her mind? And why?
Simon Peters (The Nerd)
Simon Peters is "the nerd' of the main characters, but do not worry, we did our best to stray away from the cringey "nerd" stereotype, and make a more balanced/unique version, both for the film's sake and Tyler's sake, because he is the one acting as Simon. He is a tall guy that is on the skinnier side, with short dark hair and dark eyes. His outfit would consist of a blue button-down shirt, khaki pants, and glasses, with dress shoes. As stated in the “Costuming” blog, the colors of his outfit were definitely selected with the intent to match his personality. For his prop, he would have his glasses, mostly because since they are in an investigation, there isn’t much that would be allowed that would also match Simon’s persona. He is known for being a rather intelligent and reserved guy, and he is known for being the top of his class. Besides being known for anything academically, Simon keeps to himself for the most part, only hanging out with close friends and such. He is probably the most mentally stable out of the entire cast of main characters that we created, which I personally think will be interesting because the audience may “trust” him simply because of his personality. Simon Peters wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular as let’s say Felicity and Jason, mainly because of his reserved personality that increasingly contrasts the other characters mentioned. His communication skills wouldn’t be up to par, and he would probably talk in simpler sentences because he is shy. Simon Peters will be able to bring another different persona to the table, elevating the concept to the audience of who would be guilty or not.
Myah Flores (The Artsy Girl)
Myah Flores is played by our group member Aaliyah, and interestingly I think that she matches her character the most out of all of us. Myah would wear bright blue overalls, with a green shirt and converse, potentially with a hoodie tied around her waist. She would have messy braids that are accessorized with a beanie. Additionally, she would have paint splattered all over the overalls, in order to show her artsy, creative personality. Her outfit will also have colors that reflect her personality, especially in the sense that she would be wearing bright colors to show more of the energetic, inspiring, and emotional characteristics that she possesses. I think that her outfit definitely shows her personality in a way that is easy to see. She is known for her skills in art, and her art skills is also the single-handed reason that she got admitted to their private school. She is introverted, just not as shy as Simon is going to be portrayed. Her main character trait will be her emotional attitude, which especially will come into play when she gets called in as a suspect in our film opening. Both her energetic attitude and tendency to get emotional will be interesting to implement in the film itself, especially knowing that she is a potential suspect.
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