Preparing to Film
We plan to start filming this weekend, and we will most likely be getting together on the 13th of this month, February, in order to begin filming.
Now that we have created our initial storyboard, our group can think of our first day of filming and how it is going to go. Looking at our first day of filming, it is clear that some aspects of the first day of filming is going to be harder than others.
One of the major challenges that we are going to be facing is acting. Clearly, as we are literally just high school students, none of us particularly have acting experience, at least not professional acting. Not only do we have to act well for the sake of our blog not looking cringey or scary, but I also have to act in front of our other group members. Since my group members just so happen to be my close friends, having to be serious and ACT in front of them, is going to be something personally difficult. Another difficulty that we are going to face is editing. Similar to acting, I think that editing is going to be another major obstacle for us to overcome, but editing is an important component of our project idea, because the editing really is going to tie everything together. Even though it is definitely something that we will come together and figure out, I still think it is important to point out that editing is something that is looking quite intimidating at the moment.
Easy Components:
However, just like there are some challenges, there are some easy parts that should be mentioned. One of them is finding the setting and props for the project. Because the majority of our idea is heavily based on characters and the personality behind them, setting is one of the more easy components of filming. All we need is a room with a table and chairs, and a backdrop for the mugshots. Nothing is particularly difficult for us to find or come up with when it comes to setting. Props as well. In our storyboard, my group and I already included a hefty amount of the props that would be included in each scene, and we also began to plan how we would obtain said props. Another thing that will be relatively easy is coming together to film, because we have hung out together before so it will be easy to plan to get together. Also, finding a camera to use is another easy thing, because we have already planned to use either a phone camera or a camera that I can provide for the group, depending on what ends up being the most efficiently better in the end.
Actors: Myself, Aaliyah, Tyler, Jacob, and two parents- one to act as a cop and one to act as a detective
Costumes: Our cop and detective will be wearing attire that matches their field of work (the detective especially having a suitcase and potentially a trench coat, the Jock will have a letterman jacket and jeans focusing his outfit on the color red, the Preppy/Rich Girl will have a sweater vest and a skirt with elegant colors like purple/black, the Artsy Girl will have a more comfortable outfit featuring more happy colors, and the Nerd will have a button-down shirt and pants featuring the color blue.
Props: The major props for our film are the documents that will contain each suspect's name, and the prop that they will need to hold with their name when taking a mugshot photo.
Locations: We plan to do the majority of the filming in a library room that has a table and chairs, but other than that we will be filming outside for the other parts of the film.
Dates/Times: We plan to have our first day of filming around 1pm on Sunday, February 13, and depending how much we are able to get done that day we will plan our next filming day accordingly.
Scripts: We haven't fully created our script yet and we are still working on it, but Jacob is doing the most in that department of film planning.
Film Equipment: We are going to attempt filming with both a Canon camera and a iPhone camera to see which one we prefer, but other than that I will also be providing a tripod to make holding the camera easier.
Who is doing what?
Jacob - Jacob is taking the more technical yet inspiring aspect of our film into account, focusing more on the script and props, bringing life to the more technical aspects of the film. He will also be framing how the filming will go down this weekend
Tyler- Tyler is taking the more creative aspect of the film, focusing on the misc en scene, color schemes, and costumes. Tyler is really excited to come up with the costumes and be able to tie color theory into each character's costume, so that is what he is in charge of.
Aaliyah- Aaliyah is focusing on the setting and location of our film, finding a place that we can come together to film this weekend. She is also coming up with how we will all come together on Sunday and more.
Myself- I will be providing the camera that we will be using for the film, and I am also in charge of the backdrop and document props and more. I will be providing a majority of the props along Jacob, coming up with the smaller aspects of misc en scene.
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