Sound Post


ALL of the sound clips of us talking during our scenes... yikes.

 Editing the sound was actually one of the most important parts of the entire editing process for our group. Because we chose to record the audio and visual components of the film on two separate devices, that meant that we had to do A LOT of sound editing not only to put the sound ON the video, but also to match it up perfectly so there were no mistakes. 

    I did most of the editing of the sound, and Aaliyah and Tyler did most of the recording of the sound. This way, we were able to split everything up in a way that clearly made sense for us to get everything done in a timely manner. Jacob also helped both groups with whatever was necessary. 

    For the majority of the film, we chose to use non-diegetic sound, both through narration and music. The reason that we chose this is because we still wanted to have narration to enhance the understanding of each character, but making that audio diegetic wouldn't make sense because the narrator is also one of the characters, Jason Smith. The music that we overlapped onto the establishing shot is also non-diegetic, and the reason for this is because we felt that it matched more with the scene and everything that was going on. This was all done and implemented in post-production of the film as well. 

Tyler giving us some good non-copyrighted music suggestions.

However, we also used a good amount of diegetic sound, most of which happened in the interrogation scenes. Some examples of these diegetic sounds were tossing and turning of the files, the shaking of handcuffs, the clicks of the camera, doors opening, and much more.

    Having to put together all the audio and  import it to the video has to hands down be one of the most stressful parts of this project. Not only did my audio personally keep bugging, but it was just a hassle to have to edit the sound over and over, listening to my voice for what felt like YEARS to make sure we could get it right. But, the sound was really important, so I'm glad we were able to work on it. 



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